If you want to generate crystal reports without using database tables, stored procedures, datasets but you want to generate reports with direct user inputs, for example printing receipts directly from user inputs, then here is your stop. It is all about using parameters. It is assumed you know how to generate reports with crystal reports.

Below is a simple procedure for you to do so.

To start with

Add a new crystal report document to your   project by choosing a blank report. Also create a form and add a crystalreportviewer to it. Design your report by creating the needed parameters that the report will accept from the user. For example as shown below

no datasource

Then add the method below to a click event. Don’t forget to do these imports

1.  Imports CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine

2. Imports CrystalDecisions.Shared

Private Sub printfees()

Dim rpd As New ReportDocument

‘loading the report from a specified location

rpd.Load(Application.StartupPath & "\reports\rptPaymentReceipt.rpt")

‘assigning values to your report parameters

rpd.SetParameterValue("prog", Me.txtProgram.Text)

rpd.SetParameterValue("sname", Me.txtName.Text.Replace("–", "").Trim)

rpd.SetParameterValue("acadyear", "Year: " & Me.lblYear.Text & " Sem:  " & Me.lblSemester.Text)

rpd.SetParameterValue("pdate", CDate(Me.dtpPaid.Value))

rpd.SetParameterValue("indexno", Me.txtIndexNo.Text)

rpd.SetParameterValue("ptype", Me.dspaytype.Rows(Me.cmbPaytype.SelectedIndex)(1).ToString)

‘frmReportsFace is a form with a crystalreportsviewer called crv1

Dim f As New frmReportsFace

f.crv1.ReportSource = rpd

‘below is a method to make your crystal reports independent on a ‘patrticular database server



End Sub

‘ a method that makes your crsystal reports independent on the database sever

Private Sub SetDBLogonForReport(ByVal myReportDocument As ReportDocument)

Dim myConnectionInfo As ConnectionInfo = New ConnectionInfo()

‘dbase is a class to return certain information about databases,

myConnectionInfo.DatabaseName = dbase.getDataname

myConnectionInfo.UserID = dbase.getUName

myConnectionInfo.Password = dbase.getdbasePassword

myConnectionInfo.ServerName = dbase.getServerName

myConnectionInfo.IntegratedSecurity = dbase.getIntegratedSecurity

myConnectionInfo.AllowCustomConnection = True

Dim myTables As Tables = myReportDocument.Database.Tables

For Each myTable As CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.Table In myTables

Dim myTableLogonInfo As TableLogOnInfo = myTable.LogOnInfo

myTableLogonInfo.ConnectionInfo = myConnectionInfo



End Sub